JettyCloud brand identity
Logo and brand identity for an IT company.
JettyCloud tourist map
Merch for a charity event
JettyCloud illustrations
Some Illustrations for IT company
Eco laboratory identity
For the environmental laboratory PTK Analyst, I completely redesigned the corporate identity, landing page
A mascot for an IT company
Development of a mascot for an IT company specializing in telecommunications.
Character modelling
Posters with 3d elements
My 1st room in Blender
Illustrations for a charitable project
Training in Blender
These illustrations were created as part of my training on the "Best Blender course" using reference materials provided by the course instructor.
Food illustrations
Animation pack
Navigator for investors
A booklet for the Government of Leningrad Region
Invest in Leningrad region
Corporate identity elements for the region
Corporate identity for the Baltic Region Investment Forum
Electra mobile app v.1
Illustrations for Tesla Taxi mobile app
A landscape
Animation and illustration
Electra mobile app v.2
Alternative version of the illustrations
Illustration pack 1
Illustration pack 2
Semele brand book
A museum space concept for an oil and gas company Zarubezhneft, developed by Ascreen
The museum and educational complex
A sketch concept of an exhibition of the museum and educational complex OIL AND GAS named after Academician I.M.Gubkin, developed by Ascreen