Project: BRIEF – corporate identity for the Baltic Region Investment Forum.
Initial data: in 2019 the Economic Development Agency of Leningrad Region initiated and organized the first international Baltic Region Investment Forum BRIEF that became one of the most important business events of the region, a platform for dialogue between the authorities and business. In 2020 it was decided to create a recognizable corporate identity for the forum.
Aim: the corporate identities of the forum and the Agency should be well combined, a circle should be used in the logo. The tagline “Brief & to the point” should also be reflected in the logo.
References: international forums organized in other countries.
Completion deadlines: two weeks for the main part (logo, colours, fonts), because the new corporate identity had to be approved at several levels of the regional governmental institutions.
Solution: the main colours of the corporate identity were immediately selected – dark blue (the colour of reliability and status) and turquoise (the colour of the Agency), the accent colour is yellow, the same as for the Agency.
The development of the logo included the search for the main characteristic symbol of the forum. After a long selection period, I finally identified two main concepts: target and time. If you look at the logo carefully you will be able to find both a target (three circles) and a clock face (a segment showing a time period).
When the logo was approved, I continued working on all other elements of the corporate identity of the forum: invitations, ads in social media, booklets, roll up banners, press walls, leaflets and other printing materials.

Result: the Agency received a lot of positive feedback not only about the forum itself attended by the top figures of Leningrad region (including the Governor) as the participants and the speakers, but also, surprisingly, about its new corporate identity. Investors were pleasantly surprised by “the level of design”, the high-quality approach to the development of the visual elements of the forum.
The photographs were taken from open sources provided by Lenoblinvest.
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